Saturday, October 21 at 8pm Sunday, October 22 at 2pm Martin Hall at the Calderwood Pavilion, 2nd Floor
After her sister, Asal, dies by suicide, Fey and their mother, Leila, are left to cope. But how do you cope with a loss like that? Fey needs to get creative. She’ll do anything to get her sister back.
Content Warnings: This play contains a death by suicide/teen suicide, not shown onstage. Mental health issues are spoken about and are a central theme in the play, as are intense loss and debilitating grief. Overdosing is mentioned, and the desire to not be alive is specifically named at points. Please take care of yourself, and be kind to yourself.
Isabelle Fereshteh Sanatdar Stevens (she/her) is a writer, performer, and artist whose work tends to center love and loss and responds to questions that don’t have concrete answers. Low-income, Queer, first-gen Iranian-American with a found family of immigrants and refugees from different backgrounds, there’s a dream in her heart that is always reminding her of its presence: to amplify her communities’ voices, experiences, and languages, and put them on U.S. stages front-and-center. Isabelle is a recent graduate of Smith College where she studied Theatre, English, and Translation. She is currently a first-year MFA Playwriting Candidate at Boston University. @isabellesanatdarstevens #MahsaAmini #ArmitaAbbasi #SayHerName #ZanZendeghiAzadi